Specialist Programs
SHINE is a multi-faceted life skills program that provides a safe environment where participants are provided with opportunities to be inspired, experience achievement and to gain a sense of belonging.
With the support and guidance of a holistic adult mentor, participants gain the skills and tools to sustain their health, wellbeing and lifelong learning strategies.
The SHINE model is evidence-based and designed around key strategic fundamentals.
SHINE makes positive and lasting differences to the lives of young women through support and education. In turn, the school community, families and the general community benefits.
With a 40 week program of lessons/experiences link to the WA curriculum, facilitators mentor groups of up to 12 students over the school year. Each cohort rotates their day at SHINE reducing the impact on school timetables and support is offered to ensure students complete schoolwork and homework.
The SHINE program is co-designed with the school and local community, to address the needs of the girls. This ensures that engagement strategies are respectful, culturally aware, inclusive and tailored for success.